

Audience Demographics

Females: 94%

Males: 6%

Age: 25-34 (56%)


YT Subscribers: 159000

Followers on Instagram: 72500

Average video views: 17100

Alice is always smiling, enthusiastic “girl next door”, with whom viewers will find a lot of inspiring beauty, lifestyle and travel advice.

Alice's channel is addressed to lovers of daily vlogs. She takes great pleasure in shooting a variety of videos for viewers - from tests and reviews of cosmetics to advice in a wide variety of fields. Alicja likes to show the backstage of her daily life, which is why in the films we will most often see the corners of Gdańsk, where she lives every day. He documents his trips and travels to different corners of the world, as well as his daily life. There will also be no shortage of physical activity or favorite books. Alicja very carefully selects partners for cooperation, which is why viewers appreciate her for reliable and sincere recommendations.

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