Collaboration opportunities on YouTube
Among the video services available on the market, YouTube leads the way - almost 21 million Polish Internet users use it every month. This is an important signal for marketers who should confidently navigate the world of influencer marketing and product placement.

For many years, we have seen a shift in media consumption that is detrimental to traditional TV — according to a study by Deloitte, we expect an even greater increase in the popularity of online video and mobile devices. Among the video services available on the market, YouTube leads the way — almost 21 million Polish Internet users use it every month. This is an important signal for marketers who should confidently navigate the world of influencer marketing and product placement. With our guide, finding yourself in youtube formats will be very easy!
The observed changes are due, among other things, to the increasing self-awareness of the young viewer. Access to non-linear services is in line with the needs of the modern consumer, who wants to decide for himself what material he will watch at a given moment and when he will return to it again. He gets this opportunity on YouTube, a platform where he can easily sift out intrusive, worthless advertising messages and watch only what is of value to him. So how to create interesting and engaging content that the viewer will reach for by choice? There are many possibilities on YouTube — choosing the right format depends primarily on what goal the brand wants to achieve. Here are 9 ways to promote that every marketer should know.
Product Placement
The key to the realized placement of the product, which will be watched with pleasure and will sink into the memory of the recipient, is the attention to the plot consistency. It is better to avoid shots with the product in the background that do not match the history and overly intrusive advertising messages. An example of good placement is the collaboration of the Hochland brand with the girls of the Asparagus channel. Cheeses are a natural part of the story and do not negatively affect the perception of the whole story. On the contrary, the material, which was viewed more than 0.5 million times, received more than 33 thousand “feet up” and finally about 96% positive ratings.
Dedicated section, branded content
An episode fully dedicated to the brand must be based on a script that will hold the viewer's attention and not create the impression of a few minutes of advertising. An example? “My Lipstick Diary” by Lamakeupebelli, a material that is the presentation of the new line of lipsticks by Estée Lauder, which is characterized above all by great attention to the quality of production. For this film, the average watchtime was over 2.5 minutes, and the number of “paws up” accounted for 99% of all reactions.
The product as a hero
Not every material created in collaboration with a youtuber has to take the form of a classic placement. Imagine that you have to offer a product from the furniture industry that you want to interest a wide audience. You want the potential customer to know its advantages and functionality. The ideal solution will be to use a format that, thanks to a well-written story, will make a specific product the protagonist of the episode. He realized such a creation on his channel Ziemniak. In collaboration with the Meblik brand, he prepared a video in which point by point he showed the entire collection of equipment signed Star Wars, and by the way made a gift to his little sister Madzionka and secretly renovated her room. The positive “prank” on the sister was watched by almost 580 thousand people, and the material itself collected more than 98% of positive ratings.
70% of teens trust digital influencers more than classic celebrities The review prepared by the youtuber, who will present all the advantages of the product as part of the material, is a great value for both the brand and the viewers focused around the channel.The Wilkinson razor test prepared by Potato consisted of two stages. The first was a standard, reliable usability test. In the second, the developer decided to fly in a balloon to test the razor in extreme conditions. Both videos not only helped build organic reach in the target audience, but also became an eagerly watched ad creation.
Social campaign
A digital influencer can build a strong and engaged community that is willing to interact and count on the opinion of the creator. Therefore, a social campaign prepared with a youtuber has a greater impact on the audience than standard advertising. An example is the action “A game about a dog's life” embedded in Minecraft. The manager of the A4 Katowice-Kraków motorway drew attention in a non-standard way to the problem of abandoning dogs on the roads. With the help of youtubers, including the most popular channel about Minecraft in Poland — RoxMB, the client prepared a competition for players, whose participants were to design their own map in Minecraft. Finally, the films published by the creators generated more than 800 thousand views, the company received more than 200 competition entries and, above all, successfully started a nationwide discussion on an important topic.
Strategic cooperation
Creating strong ambassadors, educating viewers and increasing their loyalty to the brand. These are just a few of the advantages of undertaking long-term strategic cooperation with influencers. A brand that has been successfully implementing long-term activities with web developers for years is Play. The most popular youtubers supported, among others, an action encouraging network customers to register pre-paid cards — #akcjarejestracja: “The whole Internet went to Play” and twice went with the brand to Przystanek Woodstock. This year, a group of ambassadors — among others Szparagi, Lisie Piekło, Mietczyński, Płówny Nawau, Kocham, Łukasz Jakóbiak, Maciej Dąbrowski, loveandgratshoes and Martin Stankiewicz participated in a 24h livestream, the aim of which was to support the January fundraising for WOŚP. Within an hour, the number of people watching the live broadcast reached 120 thousand. Thanks to such a great involvement of the audience, Play donated as much as PLN 400 thousand to the account of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity.
Use of the image
What if you reverse roles and, instead of showing the product on the creator's social media, invite the youtuber to the brand's own channel? This is an effective form of promotion that will attract a new audience and increase awareness of the product. An example of such cooperation is the #mojepowietrze campaign, which ING Bank Śląski implemented within its social channels. In a campaign that encouraged people to switch to bicycles, use energy-efficient equipment and take an active part in the fight against smog, a series of advertising spots juxtaposed seemingly disparate personalities to show their shared concern for the environment. The faces of the campaign were, among others, MiShon and EMCE, and thanks to their participation, almost 1800 people were able to engage, who posted photos tagged with the hashtag #mojepowietrze on their social media.
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