
Sport and fitness

Audience Demographics

Females: 22%

Males: 78%

Age: 18-24 (48%)


YT Subscribers: 1250000

Followers on Instagram: 478000

Average video views: 50000

When you eat, it's healthy. When you play sports, it's “with your head.” How you train — it's with Krzych.

And we write it with full awareness of these words. On the Polish YouTube space you will not find a better specialist in “kiwki and fifki” than Krzysiek. Krzysiek Golonka is the World Champion of Football Tricks, a finalist of the program “I Have Talent” and the creator of the most popular sports program in Poland on Youtube - TRAIN with KRZYCH, which is followed by thousands of viewers every day.

He began his adventure with football tricks at the age of 15, after watching an advertisement starring his football idol Ronaldinho. Krzychu also organizes sports camps for kids, gladly takes on exciting challenges on the field and promotes healthy sports competition.

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